




































以下同様)の登録を行い、登録したアカウント情報を使用して、運営会社が権利、権益を含みます。以下同様)の登録を行い、登録したアカウント情報を使用して、運営会社が運営する本ソフトウェアを利用することができるものとします。 なお、アカウント情報が不正確又は虚偽であるために利用者に損害が発生しても、運営会社は一切責任を負わないものとし、利用者はこれに同意するものとします。







メールの受信の設定については、各サービス及び送付する場合があり、利用者は、これに同意します。 メールの受信の設定については、各サービス及び送付するメールにて説明されるものとします。

Terms of Use

Banh!Banh!Kotaro StreetED. (hereinafter referred to as the “Software”) is operated by Didge Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
By using the Software, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions set forth by Didge (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”).
We reserve the right to revise, add, modify, or discontinue the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.

About usage fees

When you use the paid contents of this software, you are authorized to use this service in accordance with this agreement on the condition that you have paid the usage fee set by us.
The method of payment shall be set forth in the SOFTWARE or on the SOFTWARE's official website.
We reserve the right to change the fees and billing method for the Service at any time, which shall be effective upon publication.
All fees paid by you for the use of the Service shall be paid in advance, and once paid, the fees are non-refundable unless otherwise expressly agreed or guided by us.
You shall pay all fees incurred in connection with your use of the Service (including those not yet determined due to disputes or other reasons) and shall not be entitled to withhold payment thereof for any reason whatsoever.
You also expressly understand that any fees charged for the use of the Software under your contract with us will not be refunded even if you are unable to use the Software due to an interruption or defect in the telecommunication service and/or Internet connection service that you have subscribed to or are using free of charge. You expressly understand and agree that


You may not modify or decompile this software in any way.
Any work or data created by the customer is done at the customer's own risk.
Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage caused by the work created with this software or by the use of this website.
In the event that a dispute arises from the publication of a work or data in violation of the above terms, the responsibility for the dispute shall belong to the creator of the work or data in question.
Please use this software with the understanding of the above.

Prohibited items when playing the game

The abuse, spread, or inducement of glitches is prohibited.
A “glitch” is an unusual behavior or result while playing a game.
If you find a bug, please do not misuse, spread, or try to test the information, but report it to the management team immediately.
Also, intentionally triggering a bug is prohibited.
If we confirm that the bug was intentionally induced, we will not provide compensation or any other response, and we will consider legal action (such as consulting the police) for obstructing the provision of the service.


This software contains important information such as “email address” that only you can know.
Regardless of the authenticity of the information, it is prohibited to “ask for” or “tell” such information, to steal another person's game data by doing so, or to steal, exchange, or transfer another person's game data by doing so.
Stealing game data by pretending to be someone else is a criminal act, and is strictly prohibited.
We will not be held responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of giving out information that is known only to you.

About RMT

The exchange of game data for real money or goods is called RMT (Real Money Trade).
RMT is prohibited by the “Application Common Terms of Use” because it can lead to fraud and other criminal activities.
Therefore, if the data is determined to be related to RMT, the game data will be suspended and severe penalties will be implemented.
In addition, we are not responsible for any damage caused by RMT.

Concerning the act of misrepresenting oneself as the operator

Registration of names, statements, or actions that may mislead others into believing that you are an employee or affiliate of the management team or our company are prohibited, as they may mislead others and lead to trouble.
Spreading false information is prohibitedPublication of false information to induce or unsettle others is prohibited.
Information disseminated on the Internet will spread quickly and will be seen by many people, so please do not spread information that cannot be confirmed as true or false.

Regarding data tampering and the use of malware

It is prohibited to tamper with application or communication data, tamper with device location information, or use other programs other than this software to make the game behave differently than it should in order to gain an advantage in the game.

Other misconduct

Any content not listed here that is disruptive to others is prohibited.

About Support

Please do not perform any special operations that may result in punishment, and enjoy this software purely.

Punishment is enforced for violators.

If a violator is identified, severe penalties may be implemented to suspend game data.
Once your game data is suspended, you will not be able to play with the same game data, so please enjoy using the game by observing the rules and manners.

Handling of Personal Information

The handling of personal information obtained by the Operator upon registration of account information by users and use of each individual service based on the registered account information shall be in accordance with the contents of the “Personal Information Protection Policy” that constitutes these Terms of Use.

Assignment of Rights

1. The User may not transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party, except as provided in this Agreement.
2. In the event that TSE transfers the business of this service to a third party, TSE may transfer the position under this Agreement, rights and obligations under this Agreement, user information, and all other information to the transferee of such business transfer, and the user agrees in advance to such business transfer. The User agrees in advance to such business transfer.
Such business transfer shall include not only ordinary business transfers, but also corporate divestitures and any other cases in which business is transferred.

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
2. If any question or dispute arises between a user and the Company regarding the Service or these Terms of Use, the Company shall consult with the user in good faith, but if the dispute cannot be resolved, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.

Regarding email address and password

1. Registered Users shall be responsible for managing their registered e-mail addresses and passwords.
2. The registered user shall not allow a third party to use the e-mail address and password related to this service, or lend, assign, transfer, change the name of, sell, or otherwise dispose of them.
3. Registered users shall update their registered information without delay in the manner prescribed by the Company in the event of any change in the registered information.
4. Any action taken using an e-mail address and password, or any action taken using a logged-in account, shall be deemed to have been taken by the person who registered.
5. Registered users shall be responsible for any damages caused by insufficient management of e-mail addresses and passwords, errors in use, or use by third parties, and we shall not be liable for any such damages.

Registration of account information

Users shall register their account information (including all registered information and all rights and interests related to the account) upon agreeing to these Terms of Use.
The registered account information will be used by the Operator to register the rights and interests (including all rights and interests related to the registered information and account). The registered account information shall be used to use the Software operated by the Operator.
The Operator shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the user due to inaccurate or false account information, and the user agrees to be bound by the same.

The Operator may, at its discretion, add or change the individual services available under the account information registered by the user, and the user agrees to such changes.
The Operator shall notify the user of such changes on the service provision screen, and the user shall acknowledge such changes.

In addition, when using individual services, users may be able to select whether or not to use their registered account information at their own discretion.

The necessity of the registered account information and the services to be provided by using the registered account information will be explained on the service provision screen of each individual service, and the user acknowledges this by doing so.

Regarding account management, etc.

Users shall manage their account information under their own responsibility and authority, and the Operator shall deem that any use of the SOFTWARE by the registered account information is made by the user who registered such account information.
The user who registered the account information shall be fully responsible for any damages incurred by the user due to unauthorized use of the account information by a third party.

The user agrees that the Operator may send e-mail (which may be large in volume if necessary) to the e-mail address registered by the user, informing the user of new features, updates, promotions, etc. related to the Software.

The user agrees to the sending of such e-mails.

The user agrees that the user will be informed of the settings for receiving e-mails from each service and e-mail sent to the user.

Except in cases where downloading is expressly permitted, users may use their account information to download software (including those recorded on recording media, those provided via communication lines, and browser add-ins, etc.), or through sites provided by third parties not designated by the Operator, for the purpose of using the Software. Users agree that they may not download any video data from video sharing sites that can be viewed with the Software through the Software (including those recorded on recording media, those provided through communication lines, and browser add-ins, etc.) or through sites, etc. provided by third parties not designated by the Operator.